You need a credit card for the convenience and protection it provides, but you want a credit card for the additional benefits it offers. You can get it all from a locally issued card that offers rewards as individual as you are.
All Fidelity Visa cards are linked to Freedom Points. Every time you shop with your Fidelity VISA credit card you earn points.
Redeem your points for rewards here
In addition to a unique rewards programme, Fidelity Visa cards offer the convenience of the Visa network, the accessibility of Fidelity customer service, and a range of benefits designed to make your travels a more relaxing and enjoyable experience. Call us for details.
A great rewards programme, with built-in car rental insurance and a purchase protection plan puts Fidelity Visa cards in a class of their own. Fidelity Visa cards offer the convenience of the Visa local and global network, the accessibility of Fidelity customer service, and account online manageability.
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